Wednesday, September 21, 2011

new phase of my life...

 Finally, I’ve come to senses and willing to trade my freedom with my happiness. Yup, I’m engaged. Goodbye late night ‘lepak2’, goodbye freedom, welcome commitment… welcome imprisonment. But I don’t mind being in prison as long as she’s keeping me company.. hahahaha..

 After long years full dating with dozens of girls, I’m still doesn’t have a clue bout what women really want. Seriously, I couldn’t figure it out… Luckily my girl know what I want..

 really lucky for me.. As for someone that is stubborn, hot headed and cold hearted… sure I’m lucky.. I don’t know but she always had her own way of taming my hot headed.. it just soo hard to get angry with her.. she knows my weaknesses.. I hated it.. huhuhu.. dah x cool la camni… waaaaaaaaa…

 we angaged on my b’day.. I’m bad with date’s that why I think it’s a good way to remember the date.. well u know.. women with dates.. anniversaries that,, that day.. this day..  I’m always got problem with date.. huhu..

 well first step passed.. now going for next step.. wedding…!!!! I got less than a year.. many thing to do.. don’t know can make it or not… As my mum is from perlis and my father is from kelantan.. so I decided to do both place so all my relative and can come.. perghhh.. this means I’m going to have 3 kenduri..??? gilo tamak…

 suka la tunang aku.. 3x sanding.. huhu.. mau tumbang aku camni.. haha… apa nk buat.. bg aku perkahwinan ni bkn just antara aku ngan dia jer.. tp penyatuan antara 2 keluarga.. so hati keluarga kena jaga jgak beb.. yg penting restu keluarga..

 aku dah pening ni pk hal kawin.. pelamin.. kad jemputan.. gubahan bunga.. tema p’kahwinan.. brg hantaran..??? aiyarkkkk… pitam… pitammm.. pitaammmmm..

ps: aku igt senang nk kawin.. huhu..


  1. pacat..takpa, siap duit jaaa... hampa pi la survey2 baju. macam barang2 hantaran tu beli sikit2, so tak terasa sangat kalo nak beli sekaligus..

    kalo nak mintak bantuan idea ka apa ka.. buleh ja kami2 ni tolong..hehehehe

  2. hehe.. tq2...
    aku nk tnya hang tp segan.. :p
